Cosmogroup Sustainability

Cosmogroup is comitted to sustainability

As nature is our most important supplier, we treat it with great respect. We strongly believe in responsible quality and sustainability. These values are more to us than an aspiration. They are part of our mission and we develop our products around that belief.

Our products are produced with strict policies against animal testing. Each product is guaranteed to be safe, lab tested, cruelty free and every single formula contains next high quality ingredients our passion, dedication, experience and knowledge.

Additionally, we aim to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. In response to the Paris Climat Agreement, we put forward our best efforts to respond to the measures to combat climate change.

With a part of our turn-over, we would like to support organisations with the same values and believes. That is the reason we have chosen to join forces with WWF, the Belgian Paralympic Commitee and several local Bee and Tree organisations and establish a long term partnership. In this way we can raise our voices for a world where people, wildlife and nature can thrive together.