Cosmofarma is FDA certified!
We are FDA certified! Just like last year, we are certified in 2021 by the US Food and Drug Administration. What is the FDA? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is part of the United States Federal Agency for Health…
We are FDA certified! Just like last year, we are certified in 2021 by the US Food and Drug Administration. What is the FDA? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is part of the United States Federal Agency for Health…
We did it! We care deeply about our planet, the people and animals who live on it. Not only do we create products that help contribute to people’s overall health and well-being, we believe in responsible food practices and clean…
Good news for Cosmogroup Cosmogroup has always taken pride in its no-compromise approach to quality and efficacy when it comes to products and ingredients. Cosmofarma has achieved the informed sports site program. By working with Informed-Sport, Cosmofarma is demonstrating its…